Video Performer is a video converter. It’s a very simple utility. The interface consists of a single window and view.
This utility supports batch jobs. These can be created either by selecting multiple files to add to the job or an entire folder.
At first, this program might impress with its nice colors and graphics, fast conversion speed and many formats that it supports but it soon starts to disappoint afterwards. Conversion quality is horrible. An exported AVI file, for example, had an ugly pixilated look with huge visible pixels, washed off colors and very poor sound quality. This problem persisted even after tweaking the settings to achieve a higher bitrate.
The disadvantages heavily outnumber the advantages. Whenever you click “Add File”, the browsing dialog opens in the Windows Temp folder which is first of all useless, because nobody keeps videos in there, and frustrating, because you always need to browse back to your video folder. Sometimes the formats of the source files are wrongly detected (e.g. it says that an MP4 file is a MOV format). In such situations, the conversion simply failed to start or the program threw an error when the process was at 99% completion status.
It’s nice that this utility supports a lot of output formats but the bad side is that some of them are useless for most people (MP2 or MP1 for example). Fortunately, there are not many of those in the list.
Even though this utility has many problems, it could have managed to be a decent piece of software if the conversion quality had not been so bad.